Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Why We Struggle to Stand for Certain Principles? Institutions Help Countries Thrive During Crisis

In a park representing ancient principles of democracy from
 Greek society and our ability to respect wisdom. Kind of a
bad picture but if you like 
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Its makes no difference if you are talking about companies, people, or government there is a right and a wrong way to do things. Sometimes the structures (meaning the formal design) can get in the way and other times it is the leadership of those institutions. People who know people who know people often get the best positions leading to a level of social adherence by those who share similarities in background and ideology. New thoughts often have a hard time moving forward in group think environments.. 

Let us think about Putin's Russia for example. There is a level of thinking that exists within the highest rankings of society and people know they must say what they are required to say to be consider one of the in-group members (...and all of its benefits.). They may personally disagree but they are not dumb enough to say that. In turn, choices get skewed because institutions are led by people who want to be in the good graces of dominant personalities. End of the day the same choices are made over and over and that can be costly. 

The U.S. is different. We have more diversity and our institutions are fairly strong (There is more work to be done as the Capital Riots have taught us that even institutions risk collapse under the wrong kinds of circumstances). It was our values that saved us and the people like Pence, our politicians on both sides, our institutional leaders that stood for something greater....a belief in America. There were no guarantees (Just like people who struggle with these issues everyday have no guarantees anyone is going to do the right thing. The macro sack is a symptom of local micro issues being played out in different places. Why I advocate for mental health to deal with extremist before such people make it a bigger problem. Its in one ear of our leadership and out the other.....that's a value issue.)

Our nation faces risks in todays world. While our institutions limped through a big crisis and made it work it was very close to being a very different outcome. People within those institutions were afraid to speak up and had to work in the background to do the right things. They rested on their values at great personal risk. They are our silent heroes. If it would have turned out the other way they would have been toast!

There are people everyday fighting to do what is right against insurmountable odds and often corrupted people. Our institutions sort of do the right thing but often get things wrong (Meaning there should always be feedback loops to create a learning organization/nation. If we stick our fingers in our ears we have become guilty of neglect of our duties.). The values of our principles are what makes difference in our success or failure. Sometimes it works out great while at other times we just continue on and on with the wrong choices and that leads to the decline of institutional integrity (If you can't project what that could mean if it goes to far you probably shouldn't take any leadership positions for the benefit of everyone else.). 

This is why I believe our institutions we should balance the independence of  our three major institutions Judicial, Legislative and Executive to maintain the right ballast on our ship (Its a metaphor). We should also strive to put people in positions of authority that have the right values (Not the one's they profess to each other, wink and nod, or politically-socially connected but the ones who actually have the skills.) In other words, we promote our best and brightest regardless of their race, religion, or lack of social "connectedness". 

Diversity and the strengthening of institutional integrity will be our future if we learn from the past mistakes and correct them (You can't run a great country on limited thinking and only partial human capital. It dumb!) On the flip side extremism, violence, and societal chaos will continue to grow if we don't rally around our essential American principles. Principles is the only thing I know that can cut through a sense of entitlement, social networks, political divisions, and chaos. It is also what defines leadership from nepotism. 

What are your values? This is a decision that people must make for themselves.

The proof is always in the pudding. We either can strive or we can resign....but its a collective choice (Seems like were still debating our best strategic position....for some....or for all of us. I personally believe that national strategy should maximize our strengths, hedge our weaknesses, and put ourselves in the best place possible to capitalize on various situations. I'm not sure what everyone else believes.....they may not even know themselves. Answers before the questions. Unfortunately sometimes no one listens and no one cares because you are outside the "inner circle"...and that is the place you have to start. Sounds familiar doesn't it....we have heard this before.....from lots of different people. ðŸ¤· )

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