Wednesday, March 2, 2022

UN Votes 141 For and 5 Against Requesting Russia to Withdraw from Ukraine

The UN put forward an interesting vote where 141 countries demand Russia withdraw, 5 against withdrawal and 35 abstentions.  What is interesting is that the countries against seem to have similarities in management style. What might also be interesting is whether or not most of the abstentions are big trading partners with Russia. I looked it up briefly and there appears to be some loose association of trade, governance style and voting (See Worlds Top Exports, OECWITS, US Trade Rep.

The big question is what is next? My guess is that there will be additional financial and military support for Ukraine. China will also likely start feeling some pressure as most of the nations voice support and that could also impact future Chinese trade if they are seen as taking advantage of the situation (I'm not saying this is or isn't happening but under some circumstances might be seen this way by some of the UN members. 🤷 I suspect they will just maintain neutrality and ask for peaceful resolution to stay as clear as possible from the situation. They may also find advantage in a weaker Russia that is forced to trade with them to keep its economy hobbling forward and obtain necessary goods.)

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