Friday, March 4, 2022

Ukraine Nuclear Reactors Should Be Out of Harm's Way

 War is so destructive and when people have weapons and are working with a larger military they feel a sense of power. Lives are often discounted and good judgement is sometimes thrown to the side. Whether this reactor fire was started by an accidental shelling, a rogue soldier/unit, or intentional targeting, a war does not justify it as a legitimate target. Conflict should stay far way from this area and staff should be allowed to run the reactor without any interference.  Regardless of who eventually wins, we can say that the reactor will be of benefit. If intentional shelling has occurred, and it was ordered as a target, we should be frightened with the thought process (I suspect it was a mistake but one doesn't really know.)

How to resolve that issue?

-Commitment to keep the reactor, its power source, and the area free from conflict and interference.

-A commitment from both sides to keep the reactors running. 

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