Monday, March 7, 2022

Three Major Approaches Fitness: Food, Weights, Cardio

Fitness is something that should be part everyone's life and leads to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This becomes even more important for busy professionals that want to be in great shape and seek to maximize their time. I've met high performing individuals that really know how to go after the goals in work and fitness (They actually sort of work together.). Maximizing your time means understanding the fitness literature and avoiding the "fad" programs. 

First let us look at two quick studies.....

Study 1 Motivation with Changing Sequence: One study indicates that when we change the intensity from time-to-time there wasn't a huge differences in growth but there was in intrinsic motivation. "Varying exercise selection had a positive effect on enhancing motivation to train in resistance-trained men, while eliciting similar improvements in muscular adaptations." (Baz-Valle, et. al. 2019).

Study 2 Energy Cardio and Weight Training: Another study indicates that high intensity exercise and low intensity exercise led to similar weight loss as long as the amount of energy expenditure was similar. However, during the weight loss process including weight training reduced lean muscle mass loss (Bellica, 2021).

What we learn from these two studies is that the amount of energy expenditure is important. We also find that incorporating weight training reduces lean muscle loss during the loss process. 

There are three things I would consider in any fitness program in relation to maximizing results 1.) food and nutrition, 2.) weight training and 3.) cardio energy levels. All three of these will give you the best results. However, each person will be slightly different so you may need to consider your own personal habits and goals in meeting those objectives. 

I'm a certified fitness trainer and can conduct sessions via zoom (or other venue) to help you achieve your goals. Setting up a plan to reach your fitness goals within the first few sessions is helpful and then we can check back with each other a few weeks to see how you are doing. We can discuss any fitness related questions you may have. I only take a few clients here and there based on time availability. You may contact me via email. Email Trainer

Baz-Valle, E., et. al. (2019). The effects of exercise variation in muscle thickness, maximal strength and motivation in resistance trained men.

Bellicha, A. et. al. (2021) Effect of exercise training on weight loss, body composition changes, and weight maintenance in adults with overweight or obesity: An overview of 12 systematic reviews and 149 studies. Obesity Reviews, 22 (S4).

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