Friday, March 4, 2022

The Future of America is Finding Unity: Why Leaders Should Stop Exploiting Racial, Religious and Political Differences

National unity rests on our ability to find similarities that tie all of the American people's together into a single national identity. However, we are often bombarded with short-sightedness across the many institutions based on racial, religious and political differences. While many of these people are good natured they don't always understand that something which is in their benefit isn't in the benefit of the vast majority of people. Building a great nation requires building shared sense of purpose and unity and destroying one rests on exploitation of racial, religious and political differences.

Racial Divisions: This occurs when leaders both within particular races and outside of those races use racial division as a means to power. For the vast majority of people it sets up invented barriers where people act and react to each other in harmful ways (i.e. police and protests). Some leaders have a difficult time thinking about long term outcomes that serve none of the races or their causes well.

(I have two mixed race children with friends from just about every background. The young generations don't seem care much about racial/ethnic differences unless someone that has something to gain comes in and tries to hype up differences. I'm also concerned about the mixed race children, the fastest growing demographic, the ones that represent equality, are pressured to choose sides based on the ignorance of some of our "leaders". If that upsets you...then you have some soul searching to do! )

Religious Divisions: Religious divisions occur when "holier than thou" personalities try to feel better by deeming themselves "saved" and everyone else as "damned" (Their own behavior and beliefs don't seem to factor into their heavenly equation.). Its not about any specific religion but about the personalities that seem to enjoy exploiting good people for financial and personal gain (Yes, not 100% of religious leaders care about doing good. For some its an avenue of power.). I have met very good, genuine, faith leaders from many different religious backgrounds that truly desire to help people live a meaningful-genuine God centric life. They share a characteristic of focusing on the prosocial aspects of their faith (i.e. helping others without strings) while others focus on proving someone else (and their religion) wrong and condemnable (One pulls together through understanding and the other pulls apart through religiously justified hate.).

Political Divisions: There are few issues in my mind of people believing in the general philosophies of Republican and/or Democrat. Both are a means to an end and we can debate which is best all day long. They both carry philosophical validity. There is nothing wrong with discussing particular topics (i.e. in Michigan they are debating budgeting issues. That's ok!). Where it breaks down is when it gets personal and instead of debating the issue we are attacking each other. We would generally consider people who intentionally inflame passions. dishonest, uncompromising, and flip flop on values not qualified for leadership. However, in our current political environment, we seem to praise and raise up as high as we can those that do not have the qualities, intelligence, or foresight to lead us to a better place. Ignorance seems to be an encouraged asset in some of our political circles. I support bi-partisanship on central national development issues and general open dialogue and discussion on those things we disagree on. Unfortunately, truth and wisdom are difficult to sell to political MMA style audience (and their self interested promoters).

Our future rests on good leaders that inspire people to be better, to do more, and to create a shared sense of purpose. Every great nation collapsed when political, racial, and religious differences are used as tools to divide and conquer. The problem is that our risks don't come as much from outside our borders as they do from our own leadership. Think about it before you judge what I'm saying. No seriously, take a minute and think about the different futures that lay before us and how our choices today "lead" to certain paths and outcomes. Our collection of choices will our future.

Now let us be very honest with ourselves. Do you feel that most of our leaders today care? My answer is I suspect most do but there are so many bad apples mixed with good apples they are increasingly pressured and confused about their responsibilities. They pressure each other to conform and fail to think about how deeper values should be central to their choices.

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