Sunday, March 6, 2022

Secretary Antony Blinken Suggests U.S. Won’t Ban Russian Oil & Gas Without Europe’s Permission

I'm watching this video and like many Americans watching how there have been changes and adjustments within the U.S.-Ukrainian War. As the war gets more violent there is an increasing call to do more to create pressure. Increased discussion by U.S. and Euro allies on banning Russian oil. Not 100% sure of how we would meet the world's needs quickly but I suspect we could (One must take a good look and run some projections.)

 I'm not a fan of fossil fuels and yet I still recognize the U.S. has some of the world's highest deposits of oil (See American Oil & Gas Reporter). That puts a lot of power in the U.S. if they can ramp up production and get it shipped to fill the supply/demand issues. It could prompt nations to start thinking about their oil dependence and the need for change.

Personally, I would like us to develop our green technology and reduce this dependency. Perhaps its possible to product the oil and then use funds from that oil to push the R&D development of green technology. Kind of like taking a lesser evil and using it to solve a problem and finance green development (Its not a vetted idea and certainly isn't even thought out well. It might ease opposition if we know it can be used to build something more sustainable. We solve some battery and solar problems with that money and we might be happy in the long run.)

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