Russian oil and gas energy is to be to be banned by the U.S. and has strong bi-partisan support in an effort to not subsidize the Russian-Ukrainian war. Europe isn't going to join yet because they are on the oil "morphine drip". It would be too fast of a shift and change for them to adjust without seriously damaging their economies (I actually don't blame them but I think they might want to start thinking about alternative sources and supplies for energy). You can get most of the information below......
There is no point in writing it all out when you can read it in this excellent article posted by CNN 'Biden announces ban on Russian energy imports' by Kaitlan Collins, Jeremy Diamond, Kevin Liptak, Phil Mattingly, MJ Lee and Kate Sullivan (Sorry I stole the chart idea below. Love when they put in sources. It helps add credibility to arguments and ideas.)
U.S. Energy Information and Administration shows a table of near 0 and/or low daily Russian oil imports in 'Top 10 Crude Import Nations' where exposure in the U.S. is much less than many other nations. There is also 'June 2010 -Present Stats'. What you do see is there are some blank spots so it indicates there is some missing data and/or barrels a day (If it was 0 barrels they would state that I suspect.)
What we might want to consider if the numbers make sense.....
1.) Produce our own oil and ship to Europe (I'm sure the oil companies will be happy.)
2.) Of those oil revenues we might consider putting significant amount of profits into R&D sustainable and renewable energies to help give these companies a bridge between oil production and clean energy production (If I was a energy producer I would want to hedge my investments into clean energy as demand for one rises and the demand for the other declines.)
3.) Work with other national oil producers to beef up sales which helps diversify Europe's oil supply (I think the administration is already doing this.).
4.) Put the U.S. more in the center of oil production and better navigate the movement from world oil dependence to clean technology (The silver lining of being a significant producer of oil is we have more control over a switch to clean energies.)
5.) Reduce despotic powers by using this opportunity to diversify all energy production and make a more adaptable energy infrastructure system (i.e. if we have problems in one area we can more rely on others to fill the gap trough other sources. Remember our electric grid is still put together by metaphorical duct tape.)
fyi....I think this is where leadership is starting to shine through. I'm pretending there are no political parties for about 30 seconds. 🐘+🐴=bipartisan🐣.......💨
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