Tuesday, March 1, 2022

FIGHT: How Gen Z Is Channeling Their Fear and Passion to Save America (Detroit Economic Club)

 An interesting discussion on Generation Z. An environment of fear and struggle. Discussions on capitalism and the connection of dots that puts pressure on Capitalism to perform. A quick discussion on American politics and how this relates to the young generation. Eye opening on how to engage younger people and encourage them to activate for the betterment of their country. 2X as many young people voted than other generations. Connecting with them is important but many or our leaders are not doing a great job in this regard. Older people often discount this group but it is their responsibility to enhance them as much as possible. 

 (In my perspective we should encourage business and greater avenues for financial growth of the general population. There are risks by having too much money concentrated into the hands of a few people. Capitalism means that when you work hard, invent ideas, and do the right thing they should be able to earn more opportunities. Gen Z wants a more modern version of Capitalism. I can't disagree with them. We are a society and we must ensure we are all part of the same system. I've seen huge disparities in life that seemed inherently unfair.. Let them strive and let them improve their lives....we just need to get out of their way and ensure that prosocial, entrepreneurial and service oriented behaviors have a corresponding benefit. Its hard to engage if society has locked up much of the benefits of doing so for an "elite" class of people. I'm not saying it is always that way but that it certain has some perceptual truth to it. The system rests on this generation and the engagement of the masses. )

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