Monday, March 14, 2022

Dancing Your Way to Health, Fitness and Social Proficency

Email Fitness Training
This blog isn't only about business, investment, higher education and government affairs as it often delves into other issues that might enhance a healthy lifestyle for business professions (i.e. dancing). One thing that many professionals suffer with is finding fun activities to socialize and stay in shape. It can be difficult to keep up with your fitness routine if you are balancing the many different aspects of a business life. From boardroom to ballroom dancing is one way to increase your health fitness and social proficiency. 

According to an article in Time Magazine entitled, 'Why Dancing Is the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Body' when we incorporate dance into our fitness routines we....

1.) Burn 300 calories per half hour.

2.) Improve mood and lower stress. 

3.) Enhance social connectedness

Look around in places like Meet Up, Facebook, dance studios and event pages and you will find lots of different entry level dance classes. You can do anything from salsa to hip hop. Some will burn more calories and some will burn less. I probably did most of them at one point or another in my life. You will naturally meet people and get in great shape. Use it as an augmentation to your current routine to avoid burnout and develop your "practical" skills and muscle usage. 

If your interested in virtual fitness training send me a message. I have fitness trainer, yoga and self defense certifications and do training as a hobby to help keep myself motivated to meet my own fitness goals. Nothing better then to be involved in the field. Limited space and availability. Email Fitness Training

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