Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Biden State of the Union Address 2022 (You will need to watch it yourself)

President Biden finished his State of the Union Address 2022.  People are likely tuned in all around the world. Of course some of the ideas are awesome and some are going to be debated. You must make your own choices and decisions on what you agree and disagree with. One thing we can all agree upon is that building a stronger and more prosperous nation that ensures democracy continues to thrive against challenges is important. I put down a number of key points below (Don't mind the grammar and spelling mistakes...I'm just trying to get it all down. :) )

-Discussion on Russia and isolation of the nation. It appears the world is responding to the invasion of Ukraine. The conflict may have wakened Western nations to the risks of the future (The objective is to free Ukraine and then after that perhaps we can think about reconnecting with the average Russian citizen. I wonder if there is a way to isolate the top with minimal impact on the average citizen. ðŸ¤”)

-Releasing in conjunction with allies 60 million oil barrels to blunt oil prices and help Ukraine.

-There was some booing on the comment of previous tax cuts and then cheering on American Rescue Plan (Kind of interesting to watch politics in action. Boing Boing Boing!😮)

-Bottom up isn't necessarily a bad thing and certainly part of the solution (It takes investors, small businesses, large businesses, and workers to make it happen. I would say bottom, top, and middle approach.)

-Good points on infrastructure and a decade of growth. If we do it right, each administration builds off of the last, we can become the advanced manufacturing Digital Era/Information Age nation. That takes commitment from both Republicans and Democrats that can see things in different ways but can balance through bi-partisanship to find solutions. 

-Buying American and supporting American businesses is probably the right approach (We might want to develop rapid innovation systems to ensure our lagging industries quickly lead the market.)

-Bi-Partisan Innovation Act (I need to read this in more detail.) Research and development is paramount to industry growth (I have a couple of ideas on how to funnel funding into developmental clusters). 

-$20 Billion computer chip semi conductor site in Ohio. (Intel). They may bump it up to $100 billion with innovation bill passed. Good for them...we also need one in Michigan.

-Electric vehicles are taking off in the U.S. and companies are reinvesting. That will also likely lead to space advances and other technological lines. There are similar technologies between the industries.

(Without change in the way we think we will suffer from lack of investment and opportunities. We are starting to better manage the ship and once we have a well groomed R and D team working as single unit the momentum and speed will likely continue to through singularity of purpose; approaches may be different but the goal should be the same.)

-People yelling USA is awesome! Nationalism can take new and smarter turn where evidence based decision making is central to our approaches that leads to stronger outcomes. Patriotism isn't just waving flags it is about doing what is necessary to help our nation compete and overcome. We all have a stake in how things turn out.

-Green initiatives are generally a good thing especially if they are cost effective. 

-Some discussion on taxes. There is likely some disagreement over taxes and what is the best approach. Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or something else.

-Chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud to be announced. 

-Discussion on workers and minimum wage. 

-Antiviral pills at no cost.

-Discussion on restoring trust with officers and creating safer streets. I agree that funding, training/tactics, transparency, and community engagement is important for modern policing. 

-Securing borders and fixing immigration system. 

-Discussion on abortion rights (Not touching this one. Highly contentious!)

-80 bipartisan bills. That is movement.

-Opioid epidemic is still an issue. Wow...23 million addicts in recovery! 😢 

-Mental health (I've seen people do some terrible things because of mental health and yet they have no clue they are wrong or are suffering.

-Protecting Children from targeted ads or collecting unnecessary information. Big data is important and it is something that often gets stolen. Thus updating our data infrastructure is helpful. 

-Support our veterans. More research into causes of injuries and then fixing those problems.

-The goal is to reduce cancer and turn them into treatable disease.

-245 Years of our nation. We are stronger and keep getting stronger. Its our moment to overcome challenges of our time.

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