Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Are Growing Cyberattacks an Escalation of Conflict: Can the U.S. Create a Next Gen Advance Society-Economy?

Interesting article on CNN by Sean Lyngaas 'FBI advised that hackers scanned networks of 5 US energy firms ahead of Biden's Russia cyberattack warning'. We have a growing need to update our digital infrastructure (including physical infrastructure for redundancy and resilience) and our military capabilities in handing, thwarting, and responding to hackers. While it seems unimportant it should be remembered that there were attempts to sway public opinions, shut down companies, and connect bits of information to create profiles on important people. Hacking is more than playing around with online security as it delves into espionage and reconnaissance similar to what we have seen in Ukraine. It could also be a precursor to a widening conflict (For them it was invasion for the U.S. it is likely more escalation of old Cold War grievance/conflict. Something I suspect that Putin wants as he might feel the fall of the Soviet Union and westernization of markets made Russia non competitive. I guess someone would have to ask him? 🤷 If there is something we Americans should learn is to work together to solve problems/bi-partisanship and jump two feet forward into an advanced manufacturing digital era economy that maximizes all of its human capital. I'm not sure there would be a downside to modernizing our society to growing realities to making ourselves a learning nation that attracts more international investment.)


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