Saturday, February 5, 2022

Ethics and Values in Business and Government Shouldn't be "Optional"

 The foundations of our society are based in trust. That trust comes from people who follow certain codes that relate to ethics and values. We trust because we trust that we share certain values that guide decisions on things like truth, fairness, honesty, best interest of society, fairness, equality, etc... When we make such values optional, and in turn have no social pressure to ensure people act within certain expectations, we will damage long-term trust in business and government (The connection between low trust polls and social disturbance hasn't yet registered with behaviors.)

A Couple of Scenarios 

Pretend one business steals from others and even though people within the business community know about it they don't say anything. When poor behavior becomes discovered people just sort of look the other way as though nothing happened (i.e. Enron.). Just because we pretended we didn't know doesn't mean the damage from the theft doesn't leave a sour taste in people mouths because of a lack of social and legal enforcement. Imagine we now do that across many businesses, we allow them to take from certain groups and we develop cultures that encourage exploitation. Short term profits can lead to long term declines in the entire economic system. 

The same thing for government and politicians. Let us assume that certain values are being swept under the carpet if there is an advantage for a party, group, entity, etc... As people watch they begin to learn what the "rules of the road are". What is stated and what is enacted appear to be radically different. Even if they say nothing they are learning that those in government might be different than those who are not in government (A major division of distrust emerges.). The cultures of those in politics and the cultures of the people are different as short term political gains lead to long term national decline. 

Supporting Ethics and Values in Business and Government

Its important to support the bigger picture of ethics and values within business and government. I have seen in my life horrendous displays of corporate greed and "wink nod" justice/law enforcement. The very roots of these behaviors all came from the same dark place within people. As long as no one challenges they will continue on and on because it is in their best interest to do so. 

What is the best way to challenge inappropriate behavior? Critical thinking and reflecting back as much truth as you can (It must be factual and evidence based. Values must be clearly defined and in the best interest of all of society.). Those who do these behaviors are unlikely to listen (remember they are selfish and already violated social norms so the "rules" don't count) but you can create the pressure for a healthier environment with the 90% non vocal members of society who have a stake in ensuring that the total economic/business and government system is functioning at its optimal state. 

I encourage young adults now taking leadership positions to think about their values and what they want their country to look like for them and their kids.  Then they can create the pressure politely and within their positions to make meaningful change. It is their time to lead and fix some of the muck we made out of it in our generation is becoming increasingly apparent as the U.S. moves into the #2 spot (..hopefully not...but that will depend on our shared sense of purpose and values. Some of our leaders are defaulting and some of our good leaders are being sidelined.).

Ethics and Values are not optional, they are always consequences to supplanting basic moral systems for too long (Its been that way in history for a long long time through the various national life cycles.)

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