Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Biden Announces of Sanctions on Russia: Let's not waste the opportunity to improve our country

Sanctions by the U.S. and Europe on Russia has started. While these sanctions are focused on deterring and punishing Russia to discourage further annexation (Starting to look that way.) of Ukraine  You may want to read a Russia White House Press Release to gain some understanding of some of the sanctions that impact financing, trade, military, and focus on wealthy elite in the country. 

One of the reasons why Russia may have used the term "peace keeper" is provide public relations cover for inserting troops. It may also be an attempt to test the resolve of the international community (So far everyone looks as they they are putting sanctions on them). Sometimes cultural negotiations styles are to go forward forcefully and then based on their options back out saying something like "Were helping!". However, that is likely cover for a bigger strategic plan. You can read a little research on Negotiation styles of Russians and Chinese (Malik, 2019). The tactics within those styles may based on strategy and culture.  Time answers all questions. 

One thing I can say is that as nations transition to new oriented era they are going to start competing and that is likely to increase some tension on boarders and boundaries along many traditional historical cultural lines (We should continuously develop to master our environment.). We should use these difficulties and turn them into learning opportunities to improve our economic, political and social systems. Its time to get into "The Zone" with innovation and national development. We just need to get our politicians to focus on their country more than party politics (There is only one ship and we sail as a team or sink together as individuals. Not party or politician specific. Two quotes make sense here...."It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." Harry S. Truman. and "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent." General Douglas MacArthur   Da! Da!

Malik, Tariq. (2019). Sino-Russian negotiation styles: A cross-cultural analysis of situated patterns. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. 6. 205789111988781. 10.1177/2057891119887812. 

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