Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Importance of Accountability-The Danger of Radicalism in Politics and Life?

Knowledge and learning
 guides the path.
Hate is powerful and sometimes part of the way we think. It can impact a great many things in the way we approach the world. Over the last few years our society seems to be stretched at the seams by people who have something to gain (politically, financially, ideologically, etc..) by hyping up the problems to further their influence. Often the people who start these problems don't care about the consequences on others because that is not part of their "agenda". As a nation we will need to start tackling some of these issues and holding people accountable when they are trying to harm or hurt others; no matter their race, creed, or position.

Removing "bad apples" is important to ensure integrity in any system; that isn't unique to law enforcement. I think most reasonable people sort of agree that when people violate the law and constitution they should be held to account. Likewise, I would suspect most people would similarly agree that we also have a responsibility to hold criminals accountable no matter their race, creed. I suspect you can add friend networks and wealth to keep it fair. Sometimes that might mean a lighter punishment if they can be reformed without jail and other times it might mean jail time if they present a real risk to others. 

Politics gets involved and there a level of acceptance of bad behavior and in turn further encourages such bad behaviors to continue by giving troublemakers "cover".  If you notice in my writings I talk about national unity, wisdom in the judicial system, universal rights, and holding criminals accountable (Way way before our current national blow out.). You also see me write about opportunities and economic growth for all Americans. You may even see me give a few thoughts on building the strongest nation we can by encouraging motivation, business, and positive engagement with society. 

Of course I'm a single voice and that is drowned out by those screaming at the top of their lungs. Despite the whisper, I have experienced a fairly full array of life because I have met lots of people, know lots of great officers, spend time with Black people, have Arab Muslims friends, Jewish friends Christian friends, and spend time with White Americans, Africans, Europeans and lots of other people. I'm experienced in understanding culture and "open minded" enough not to judge too quickly small differences (I focus on character). Yet my voice is drowned out by those who already have the answers; sometimes without thinking about alternate explanations.

That doesn't mean I'm always right and it certainly doesn't mean everyone will agree with me. I've also been on the receiving end where someone makes up a story based in their bigotry and desire for financial gain and utilizes their close corrupted friend(s) (indicating a wider departmental problem) to put pressure my family to leave our home town. At the end of the accountability is seen as dangerous as the disease of hate can easily spread and starts circumventing the law (sometimes with nodding approvals and sometimes covertly to avoid detection.) 

Where do we go from here? I can only say what I'm going to do. I'm going to stand tall against the power of hate and encourage people to "do the right thing". I'm going to support our law enforcement and support the removal of rogue or corrupted officers (for integrity and trust issues). I will be visible and not allow the power of hate to terrorize our population (meaning this probably wasn't the first time this happened.). I will also encourage people to come together and be fair, reasonable, and just with their thought matter what their political agenda (There is no better political agenda than national health...maybe some of our politicians should think about that.). 

If we do not stick close to our essential American principles we will have a hard time keeping the ship together. Look around and look at the hyper politics and the radicalism growing on both sides of the issues (mirroring our politics and politicians) and ask, "Who are we as individuals and who are we as a nation?" It looks like time and choice will answer that question for us. I think I know what we could be and perhaps I will play a small part in getting us there someday. No one knows the future...but certainly we can look into history to see what happens to countries that don't take these concerns seriously or when factions develop that can no longer compromise or be held to account. 

A couple of articles worth reading Philosophy Politics Governance, Standing for Ethics,  Playing it CoolMemorial Day, Conflict Modeling,  Cost of Embedded Groups, Cost of HyperPolitics, Evolutionary Arms Race, Vervet Monkeys,  Road to Ultra Nationalism, Democracy Backslide,  Why I Write? and Dissertation Questions  (Disclaimer...don't judge too quickly yet. This is a good opportunity for people to learn...not saying I'm teaching here or know anything. Its just observations for self understanding. Just take a moment to check in with your personal values and envision the future of your country. What can you do to ensure its long-term health? How are your actions part of the solution or part of the problem? 🤔💗)

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