Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Need for New National Direction-Thinking Beyond Political Mud Slinging and "Rigged" Economy

There has been some debate on what it is going to take to restore our national sense of purpose and our ability to compete on the global market. Just about everyone has a slingshot and a fist full of mud (...a few probably put other stuff in there as well.😬) and they just lob it at each other indiscriminately (...dirt bombing each other.). We as Americans are more than that....we are a team of people who solve problems and do what is in the best interest of our society and our collective self interest codified into a nation. (....unless there are reasonable alternatives and right now I see none other then fixing our current problems in a spirit of national rejuvenation and sparking the rejuvenating power of an American Renaissance. Its actually scientifically possible to have a renaissance as all phenomenon can be repeated with the right catalysts. We are part of our patterns in life, in history, in development. Patterns of Life)

That is if we can get people/leaders to work together....and this is where the miracles lay that unlock the gates of future prosperity that reach over the walls of country clubs that hold their opportunities close (Elite-nar-cysts! Sorry. just made up the term. I rewrote the same concept three times and it all sounded stupid so I'm going with the last one.). If your going to call someone a leader you should first make sure that they have leadership traits.  I'm not talking about any specific leader or a specific party because I'm thinking beyond that to a point in time and space where our nation is looked upon with love and envy on the world arena (Tall order but its possible with the "right" leaders and "right" followers. I say "right" with quotes because many times they are reversed. The loudest mouths in the room might be better followers than leaders because it isn't about them. 🤷) 

(I get most of us think its impossible to restore America to its former glory! A sort of hopeless cause. Much better to move to new glories; or argue with indecisiveness! We just need leadership to see a better future and work together to create it...but that may take a miracle. 👼Our success and failure is dependent on an accurate assessment of our national strengths and weaknesses and in turn willingness to work strategically together to achieve collaborative success based on a shared unified vision. 

While we have many different communities we should have a central point of agreement but we fail to sell it because most of our "groomed" leadership can't see it! They have very little idea what the rest of the country looks like, the struggles they face, and the problems that are woven into the social fabrics. That is why tough talking each other might not open up enough pathways of understanding to find a final divergent solution. In other words, we can't see enough of alternative arguments to think critically about the solution. We are blinded before we walk into the voting chamber.)

I have hung with the ultra rich and the ultra poor and at their very core they are the same (At least in my perspective. Tea in Italy and gas station coffee...its all still beverage). There are different peoples with different personalities and sub categories of those personalities but the money and education enhance those existing core beliefs. Being born wealthy (or poor) doesn't change that personality but only highlights or diminishes it (Same thing with doctorate degrees.). The more difficult the situation the more a personality is solidified into its true self (Good and bad). True character comes out during difficult times when all the choices are bad. Our leadership should be reflective in part of themselves and their personal needs as well as their duty to their other causes (They represent their own experiences and needs within a social and political context.). 

Those causes might include their political party, their country, their town, their friends, and even their own personal image. What I can say is that moving outside of that paradigm to seeing themselves in a historical contextual flow helps to envision the greater purpose of their behaviors to achieve something greater then themselves. Societal benefit can be achieved by promoting true democracy and capitalism based on merit and not race, religion, good ol' boy or political affiliation (Yes I'm a Republican but I certainly could see myself challenging some behaviors in the best interest of society. Something similar could be said for the Democrats that have their own issues....but of yet I have not been blessed with that type of influential power....and of course I shouldn't be throwing stones sort of speak. I'm just a droplet in a sea of competing voices and my opinion is one of many hundreds; if not thousands. ).

Despite our limitations we should be one society and not many small societies competing against each other. The rich are not immune to the perils of the poor nor are those who lean far right in politics not much different than those who lean far left in politics as the collapse/redefining of one is a collapse/redefining of the other. Opportunity and motivation lay in the universalization of values that encourages greater human development and a stronger society molded around a shared sense of purpose. I mean philosophically.......I'm not an expert.....but whatever got us into a non-competitive place must end. 

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