Friday, August 6, 2021

On the Value of Integrity in Society-When Lies are No Longer "White"

For some reason we have removed from public presence the need for basic values such as kindness, charity, humility, and integrity. Stricken from our daily lives only to resurface over and over as a preferable way of handling problems. In life, I have learned that these words hold a lot of value to few, and a little value to many. While we intuitively know that integrity can help others make better choices the lack of integrity can mislead others into all type of wrong choices. 

Integrity can be a big problem when people don't challenge root assumptions and run down the wrong path in blind support of their chums. While most might shrug their shoulders and not worry about it there are times when telling the truth is more important than making our friends happy. With truth we can actually solve problems by addressing challenges directly.

Let us say that someone misleads their friends in an effort to gain advantage over another person. They are not just lying they are also involving law enforcement officers part of their social group, encouraging aggression among members, coordinating with their close friends to incite anger, and involving children in their process. With impunity they state they are doing this because the targets are "Muslim" and it appears from their behavior its not the first time this group has done something similar.

What options does a person really have? If they draw the line for the protection of their family their reputation is assassinated. If they hold close to the truth, friends of the perpetrator in law enforcement (maybe more than one) lets you know you are not welcome (Let us throw the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and basic moral conscious out!). You either stand your ground in values or you compromise them (Sometimes its best to compromise but in this case the behavior was clearly disturbing.)

Here is what I believe. The people who began these rumors should fess up to their inappropriate behaviors and the intentional miscuing of information and facts. While I think at present they are not willing to be honest, in the future they may wish they had. If they would have been civilized in the beginning the problem would have been dealt with in an in-house manner. However, as with all large egos they went the other route...down that path of destruction! (smirking all the way!)

They are not the only ones who share some of the blame because their behavior was within group context (Not illegal but certainly a sign of poor values and complacency in such behaviors.). The problem is that they also encourage ethnic hate and aggressive behaviors from others in their sports group. Its interesting that the bad behaviors of some can cause so much problems other places. 

We have a problem in this country. We can't deal with extremism because just like in this case there is close association between law enforcement and the group there is also a lack of accountability. Some feel entitled to act in certain ways and once they are on the wrong track you can't get them off (Good advice is discounted and they rely on their connects to create protection and/or intimidation). Going back to what they actually know that wasn't offered as part of the conversation, "Him and his kids are actually nice.". 

However being nice doesn't mean I don't have a responsibility to call out poor behavior that now constitutes a level of risk. If such behaviors are without consequence we send a pretty clear picture what our value systems are as a country. For me, I advocate for mandatory mental health for those who started the problem and more oversight of the officers involved based on their close social connections (Some did the right thing and some made normal mistakes so it doesn't represent the vast majority. There is a difference between mistake in the spur of the moment and coordinated behaviors over a longer period of time.).

Integrity means having a value system to state what one believes without being circumstantial in one's opinion and assessment (I hope I don't seem circumstantial here because I'm hoping for consistency. Because the root information hasn't change the basic assumptions and solutions haven't changed). Walk the talk kind of thing! One can slice it 100's of ways but at the end you can only say what you experienced (via senses) and how you interpret that information.  

When your in a dysfunctional group people don't reflect back appropriate information to their leaders they embolden them to engage in similar dysfunctional behaviors (I would rather have friends tell me the truth then create an Emperor with no clothes kind of issue.) Distorted image and lack of critical thinking are just some of the signs that what could incite a group (that actually doesn't know you) once could happen again. If the information is based on intentionally false and misleading information it indicates the dysfunction of the group and those who lead it. That presents an open risk for anyone else they target (If we know and someone else becomes a target will it then be enough to actor or is it neglect?). 

We are at a cross roads. I pick the most reasonable choices because I think they bring the best options. Mental health is the root problem, group dysfunction is a secondary problem, and unofficial officer involvement in supporting their close friends is a major problem (Those directly associated with the group.) As the dust settles we will just see how this unfolds and what type of decisions will be made. Wiser minds will create as many win-win situations as possible and provide training where honest mistakes occurred (There may be at least one officers that should be removed because of intentionally bad behavior. Another officers seems to be turning an intentional blind eye.). Based on what I know, my suggestions seem appropriate (could be changed if more information comes to light.). As with anything where there are imperfect information, imperfect value systems, and imperfect people involved so we just sort of cross our fingers and hope people make more appropriate choices in the future.

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