Monday, July 5, 2021

President 2021 July 4th 2021

President Biden conducted his July 4th, 2021 speech discussing the history of American and our (potential) future as a nation. He talks about ensuring that race, religion, and other factors don't stop people's ability to get ahead. Lots of discussion on Covid Vaccine and our essential ideas that tie us as a people together.

As with any video and person there will be things I agree with and things I don't. The essential message was an important one. We can achieve if we work together and we will fail and fall further behind if we continue the path of division (...and allow others to exploit those differences). 

Our brightest days could be ahead of us if the economic winds blow in one direction and our metaphorical sails are already prepared to snag the momentum. We can feel this wind now but as with all bumpy platform changes there is likely to be much more wealth generated in the future (Why its important to provide business and other opportunities to the widest groups of people through education/skills and entrepreneurship).

That will require strengthening small business, improving universality of our systems, updating into the digital economy, calibrating our tax system to bring companies back, creating innovative/investment rich environments, mastering human capital development and coordinating with our international friends to build free markets and unmolested markets. 

Anyway.....Happy 4th!

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