Sunday, July 11, 2021

Northern Sun Winery Comes Under New Ownership and Hosts Musicians and Charity

Northern Sun Winery was recently purchased and now ramps up its offerings by hosting musicians and raising money for charities. The charity tonight was to help children in Africa. Delta County needs more venues like this where people come out and enjoy the process of music. I'm thinking they should have some wine and art events as some of the local artists were there and seem to be part of the same demographic. 

I talked to one of the people that are really big into the local art community and I was to help out (assuming I was here) to remove and restore a painting that was moved to a Detroit museum for restoration. It was one of the only egg shell paintings of the labor movement era (taken from a local post office when it closed and put in storage and then lost. Beaver Island I think.). 

People seem to be suggesting a single place to host all of the events in the area. Everything from small concerts like this to city fireworks. That site should be simple (there are lots of places to do this but one must pick one) and placed as a link on various communications including official websites.

People who like one type of product/activity also like other associated ones. By hosting associated events they can also attract those demographics that would be of interest. For example, if we analyzed wine drinkers we may find similarities with other demographics. This is one study but you get the point. See Wine Drinkers in the U.S. 

Northern Sun Winery

Here is the link to Google Map.  Here is the website Northern Sun Winery

983 10th Rd, Bark River, MI 49807

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