Sunday, July 4, 2021

11 Moorish Extremism Group Members Arrested-The Need to Enforce Extremism Laws

We are seeing a rise in extremism and coordinated groups. I really can't say much about them because I don't know the specifics of the group. The only thing I can say is that this rise is troublesome. Our states and law makers are struggling with how to handle this rise in separatism and hate/race based activities. 

In some cases, such groups were given free passes to function as they see fit with no consequences and in other cases we fanned their flames with "talk big" political conflict. As long as we continue to not understand the roots of hate, extremism and separatism we will continue to struggle with solutions.

We have to restore trust in our system and our institutions. That won't happen as long as we don't recognize the problem and we don't hold people accountable for their behaviors (mental health and/or criminal). It is fundamental to our way of life to ensure extremism groups don't dictate to our political leaders what their American values are.

We struggle with this accountability and seeing behavior for what it is. The same reason we were caught off guard during the Capital Riots is the same reason why we can't tackle local hate groups. We are blinded by our limited perception, awareness of multiple ways to look at the same root of the problem, and a general political-justice system that sort of didn't in the past view these things as serious (....highly dependent on the first image of what you envision when you think of the word "extremism". Test yourself...did you see a certain kind of person? a certain religion? a particular group? You don't have to tell anyone but just be honest with yourself. 💁💗 What do you think your friends imaged and/or your social networks? this way we start seeing the social nature of  injustice. You may also come to notice that different groups think different things but they are all connected by the same core principles that revolve around the deeper psychological underpinnings of hate. In essence, we can't see them because we can't yet see ourselves or others in a truer light. More knowledge and familiarity lowers those false perceptions and defense mechanisms.. This isn't for or against any particular mindset but is an opportunity for us to sort of ponder its implications. 🤔 )

These groups pop up over race, religion and even clubs (i.e. sports groups, political groups, etc...) from time to time. We may be seeing an increasing trend and that would be more of a sign of lowering trust of institutions (..why we need our politicians to be more thoughtful than loud!)We haven't really studied these groups and in some cases don't have the desire to stand up for something bigger than our  personal social, political, and financial networks. 

Lack of legal framework mixed with a timid desire to investigate hate behaviors is partly responsible for fueling issues. We just can't afford to pretend we don't have a problem (....blinders only work for a short time and when a trends starts we might consider finding a solution.). That doesn't mean we know all the answers but it does mean we have to take the time to understand and collect the information to begin the process of understanding. There must be an attempt to do the right thing so we can open the door to future possibilities and solutions (Assuming patriotism still means actions that strengthen our republic). 

Do we have a solution? This is something I think is worth exploring. Michigan Coding and Thwarting of Hate Crimes. Will Michigan politicians act and/or propose a solution? 🤷....waiting.....waiting....waiting......etc......etc..... waiting.......that is also a choice.

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