Monday, July 12, 2021

Jupiter Moon May Sustain Life-Europa Probe 2024-Need for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics

 Jupiter's Moon Europa may contain life and that is our space entry level target. There is a probe that will be sent to collect data by 2024. It is possible that under the ice surface there is the possibility for biological life. That would make it an alien find! (...even if it is only microbiological or even as complex as a plant). The probe is expected to collect information and beam that back to Earth for review.

It should be noted that we are a product of evolution ( a leading theory among a couple of theories of our origins.) and therefor our environment and our unique challenges created our species (and all the other species on our planet). On another planet with a different atmosphere and different challenges there will be different evolutionary paths (Meaning properties that carry big benefits and/or big risks).

While we might expect the universe to be made from the same fundamental materials we are constructed from, we can't say that 100% for sure. Understanding things thoroughly and containing them until they are rigorously tested (....preferable remote and in absentia. Like a moon base or a space station) is important for not carrying new "invasive species" and other items back to our planet before we can deem them safe (We haven't even fixed the Great Lakes problems yet! Can you imagine alien bacteria?🙅). 

Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics are important to not only reaching these planets but also to function in collecting samples and testing them for use. We are moving into a digital age (i.e. Information Age) and we need to innovate our AI and advance robotics to function semi-independently on other planets (We all watched Terminator so please keep a couple of back up "off" switches please! Periodic auto deactivation built into the hardware at various intervals would be cool. 🤣)

Advanced hyper innovation is just one of the reasons why clusters could help in connecting the various stakeholders together that can create advanced research outcomes that impact multiple industries at the same time (i.e. I need a robot for house chores and walk my pouch.). We will see a greater push in STEM in schools (The good news is that new knowledge also brings efficiencies in the use of energy and resources and perhaps the technology to reverse aspects of Global Warming 🤞🖖. Environmental stewardship is a good value. I like the outdoors too much to let it go to rubbish!)

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