Saturday, July 3, 2021

July 1st Jobs Report-Rising Wages and Maximizing Human Capital

The jobs report is up and that means there is pressure on the labor market to either raise wages or become more productive. Training also will rise as new skills are needed as different types of jobs become available in a digitizing world. We are receiving some economic  benefits today that should prompt us on how to maximize future opportunities through human capital development and advanced technology devices.

What we might see also happening a focus on human capital development where we try and maximize learning and development to impact individual and national performance. The principles that apply to developing individuals should be applied across the board in our society. No company, country or entity functions well when the written, unwritten and natural rules are different (The closer they are aligned the stronger the message).

To obtain the next level of national development will require solving today's problems with a strategic eye for what is next (...putting ourselves in the best position to maximize multiple pathways). We still have serious sociological instability in our society (i.e. the problems from the riots and sacking of the capital don't just go away by clicking our heels like in the Wizard of Oz.). and many of our institutions are not sure what their next step is (Hopefully we will decide on universality but sometimes it seems we are a little checkered in our historic understanding of where and who freedom applies.) 

Our citizens deserve a level playing field where race, ethnicity and religion are not the determining factors in our society of who gets opportunities and who gets put out. I'm talking more about how we turn small gifts of a window of opportunity into a movement to maximize people development (education, legal system, government hiring, etc...)

We are bridled by culture (good and bad) reflected in our institutions that range from entities like higher education to elected leadership. For example, we see our some of our systems (i.e. justice) struggling to update how to create systematic improvements that help the broadest sectors of society (This isn't for or against any movements. It is a statement about transition and its chaos.).

There is an argument to be made for fairness on a moral level as well as the need to develop our human capital environment for further economic development ( Belief creates reality and we have a responsibility to create the best reality we can). If we want to sell the American brand at home and overseas we also need to settle on what the American brand is (hopefully inclusively) and how we support that in our everyday activities (i.e. integration of brand strategy). 

Our environment prompts human capital (access to skill, new inventions, etc...) and that prompts our economy (products, business, etc...). If we don't support fundamental American principles in our governance and institutions we will struggle to maximize the power of belief (on a societal scale).

Its hard for most of our leaders (not race, party or religion specific) to sort of grasp that concept of free (to develop society) because they were raised in their own particular culture (culture is programming of a way to see the world). The decisions and choices our leaders make today determines access to human capital and growth in the future (Time is a stream of choices). Human capital development, good governance and performance are well supported in non-political logic (It does have a logic but its often full of fallacies and improper definitions).

Lets just hope our leadership can take the economic fruit basket offered today and grow an orchard of opportunity for the future (Assuming they can get out of the next generations way by not making decisions for only themselves, their party or their generation. Leadership is about creating a vision that transcends current needs to push group performance forward. We should select our leaders wisely.)

You can see the following information in the July 1st, 2021 Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims:

In the week ending June 26, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 364,000, a decrease of 51,000 from the previous week's revised level. This is the lowest level for initial claims since March 14, 2020 when it was 256,000. The previous week's level was revised up by 4,000 from 411,000 to 415,000. The 4-week moving average was 392,750, a decrease of 6,000 from the previous week's revised average. This is the lowest level for this average since March 14, 2020 when it was 225,500. The previous week's average was revised up by 1,000 from 397,750 to 398,750. 

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