Sunday, July 11, 2021

A Few Ideas on Getting Your Business Through the First Few Years

 Developing and growing a business is not easy! There is a big learning curve that can make or break your prospects. There are a few things you may want to consider during your first year. 

1.) Focus on Brand: Profit is wonderful but your brand and core service offering is what will keep your business open next year. 

2.) Find Balance but Work Hard: You will need to work hard and harder than you thought to keep your business floating. The first few years are about sweat equity. Find a balance but stay focused. 

3.) Secure Financing: You either have all the money you need or you don't. There are fluctuations and dry spells so have back up cash/finance.

4.) Collaborate: Work with other small businesses in the area. They also need help and you can hedge and share services. If nothing else you have a community of people. 

5.) Develop Your Operations: This is your time to develop your operations. Figure out where you are getting your resources, how you are preparing them, and what distribution channels you are using. 

6.) Marketing and Awareness: Connect with your customer base. Get involved and find those marketing channels that focus specifically on your core customer group. If you don't know what that is make sure you spend the time figuring it out. 

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