Wednesday, May 26, 2021

San Jose Railyard Shooting Highlights The Need for Better Mental Health Intervention

The recent shooting in a San Jose railyard is tragic and may have been prevented with better legislation. We have a problem with violence and extremism in this country. When people get upset they pick up a gun and that isn't the way to handle these issues. In this case the investigation will determine the motives (....likely mental health related depending on who the perpetrator targeted.).  

There is entirely too much anger and rage in this country. We glorify violence for some reason. Real men (meaning mankind) say what needs to be said but they don't pick up a gun and take out innocents!  Pressure form the pandemic and global displacement (the inability of the U.S. to find a strategy to compete globally) likely has some level of indirect influence on the uptick in violence (...stress impacts mental health coping mechanisms). 

Coping in the Aftermath of Community Violence: Self-care Strategies

I think they could be preventable. If we have better mental health screening and intervention we may be able to help people before it becomes an issue. That has always been the problem, the inability to help those who need it and not intervening when necessary. Its a mess for law enforcement and direction from law makers is spotty at best. I've seen this in real life where problems that would have been small grow because we don't take action when it first becomes apparent. 

Twitter Sheriff Santa Clara

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