Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Business Leaders of Michigan Provides Recommendations on State Budget

The Business Leaders of Michigan weighed in on the budget with their recommendations. Much of what they seek is related to education, mobility industry, and training. Through such an approach it appears they are focusing their recommendations toward 1. next generation, 2. future industries and 3. current skills available in the state. Such organizations contribute to our knowledge of how to create states that attract and develop investment and talent.

Industry recommendations are important for leaders to take note. Future industries in fields that are likely to grow take into account the current skills needed to work in these budding industries but also the long term skill needs of such an industry in the future. As industries grow there will be new learning/training occurring but long-term competitiveness will not only delve into the current worker population, but also into the next generation.

What I like about these business organizations is that they have a solid grasp on what the state needs to do in order to foster business. They are often practical in nature and focused on impacting as many industries as possible. With the chaos of our current political world the business community is the stabilizing force and have something to say. 

Strong leaders will listen to industry needs and balance that through the greater good of the population. For example, larger industries may have more sway in politics but we need lots of small start-ups to balance the income gaps. Government's job is to make decisions over the allocation of resources to achieve certain goals and objectives.

Utilizing such organizations to help understand industry needs and the global market is important. They may also act as catalysts for policy such as batch investing in new start-ups to foster state innovation. To accomplish goals like this industry and government would need to work together. There would need to be feedback loops to develop stronger policies.

Success will come from getting different entities of government-industry-society to work together to find solutions to our most pressing problems.  For example I'm doing some theory play on how to attract entrepreneurs to downtown Escanaba/Gladstone in Delta County and pack/batch invest them to build a micro manufacturing cluster. At present it's a work in progress.

Who are the Business Leaders of Michigan?

"Business Leaders for Michigan, the state’s business roundtable, is dedicated to making Michigan a Top Ten state for jobs, personal income and a healthy economy. The organization is composed exclusively of the executive leaders of Michigan’s largest companies and universities. Our members drive nearly 40 percent of the state’s economy, generate over $1 trillion in annual revenue and educate nearly half of all Michigan public university students"(1).

What do they Do?

Our work is concentrated on developing strategy, raising awareness, advocating policy and championing initiatives that grow the state’s economy. Our members know what it takes to make the economy grow and create new jobs, and they’ve distilled that knowledge into Michigan’s Road to Top Ten, a comprehensive strategy for making Michigan a “Top Ten” state for jobs, personal income and a healthy economy. Our organizational activities are geared toward achieving the goals outlined in that plan." (2).

The Recommendations:

    • -Establishing a K-12 education best practices center to help identify, replicate and scale best practices in K-12 education to improve academic performance across the state;
    • -Providing additional support for at-risk and special needs K-12 students;
    • -Implementing research-based solutions to help students recover lost learning hours due to the disruption caused by the pandemic; and
    • -Helping residents acquire the skills and credentials employers need by providing additional support for our public higher education institutions, and the Michigan Reconnect, Futures for Frontliners, and Going Pro programs.
    • -Support for a Mobility Futures Initiative to advance connected and autonomous vehicle deployment, economic and workforce development, equity and sustainability.

Business Leaders for Michigan Executive Budget Recommendations 2021 by Dr. Murad Abel on Scribd

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