Wednesday, December 16, 2020

How Hate Continues on in the Form of Microaggressions?

The whole point of writing about hate and justice is to give people a proper perspective of what its like to be a target of hate based behaviors and in turn how to eradicate these beliefs that hold us back from fulfilling our national destiny. We must choose to be a single society or to be multiple factions within the same society through the way we interact with others. It doesn't take much for people to move hate from its unacceptable form to its more acceptable forms of microaggressions that can further erode the concept of "togetherness" in society.

In other words, its that subtle form of hate that lingers on in the framework of society leading to further divisions among people who could have long ago forgot their differences. Bigotry is embedded into the language and social structure that pushes our society to be separate. The changes of tone, civility, and under the radar comments all contribute to in-out group dynamics and Us vs. Them mentalities. Just like dealing with passive-aggressive behaviors it is difficult to deal and not easy to confront for fear you could be misjudging.

Let me give you an example of how microaggressions are played out in the course of everyday life and business affairs. You are halfway through a sentence discussing a common house issue with a person who provides such services and they groan and hang up the phone. Yikes! That was odd....was it an accident or was it intentional? While they did eventually call back it didn't seem like a total accident. By the time you actually figure it was intentional rudeness its long after the conversation has ended and no longer easy to directly address.

The way we talk to each other and the way we use our language makes a huge difference in how we perceive and set up the structures of society. The subtle use of language to project hate is called microaggressions. Microaggressions are designed to impact the target and are not always conscious but yet play a big part of creating hostile environments. It is an indication of beliefs and method of interacting with people you see as a "foe" when compared to those you see as "friend".

It is helpful to have a definition of such behaviors, "Microaggressions are defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups." (1) I'm not sure why the definition says "historically" as it could be toward any group but the main point seems to be aggression embedded in everyday language and is focused on groups or people seen as "outsiders".

You may want to read something a little more scientific about how they work in a study in the study he What, the Why, and the How: A Review of Racial Microaggressions Research in Psychology (Wong, et. al. 2014). I applaud researchers like this because they are highlighting issues that reverberate throughout our economic system and the choices and beliefs people make. These are the poor behaviors that are there if you know what you are looking for and research helps bring them forward so they can be recognized and someday addressed.

It should be understood that the group has been intentionally snubbing the target and this may have lead to other more serious problems in the community. Thus, microaggressions are not innocent and they are not without consequence to others who are not involved and are innocent bystanders.  Dividing lines and microaggressions are the subtle form that can lead to choices and behaviors that can easily become macro aggressions under the right circumstances. Further incidents by group members would be an indication of further intent (Let's wait and see).

We also can't forget that even though we have laws in place we have not solved bigotry, hate and racism in society. Its only when we look deeper into the problems to uncover latent variables that are just behind the more observable behaviors. The subconscious thinking patterns can lead to all types of other problems such as lack of integration in neighborhoods/business, creating hostile environments, and when widespread setting up different factions and societies; even in the same country.

Observation: Aggressive social groups continue on with subtle rude and social positioning behaviors. 

Observation: Because hate is imbedded in the brain it will adjust forms that create difficult to work in environments that are likely to lead to new conflict.

Observation: Macroaggressions help define group boundaries and encourage social factions.

Sure sure can live with intentional rudeness and immaturity from time-to-time but why should they have to? Its "In your face" nature is a problem with hate, it impacts social context and association that leads to segregation, different social networks, different business networks, and continuous risks encourage future conflict.  The environment dysfunctional social groups create is designed to socially signal their projected beliefs. You don't need to put on a hood and brandish a weapon to create hostile environments. 

Observation: Once hate and bigotry is embedded into a social group it is difficult to unroot because they are interconnection in interpersonal loyalties and similar mindsets of social consciousness (i.e. sharing a real or mythical enemy/target). 

Observation: Communities struggle with themselves to deal with the deep seated nature of bigotry, racism and bullying. It works a little like a debate where the group beliefs persist and seek to influence others who may or may not agree; an internal community debate.

Thinking about what might help in Michigan I have a few thoughts on the incident that may be useful. First, the laws on hate are too rigid and seem to focus only on high level threats and intimidation. It doesn't grasp how hate works in the brain and how it functions in every day social networks. Forms change but the intent and message don't. Second, hate is embedded into our culture and we will need to go beyond simple legislation and change the very nature by which view natural differences in this country. As long as such behaviors are acceptable, whether locally or national, we are going see these problems rear their head again and again.  As a nation, we will make choices as to whether we will reach our full potential or seek to arrest that development and split.

We can say that these types of actions help define the boundary of the group and their beliefs. While they appear to be somewhat homogenous in certain beliefs there does appear to be some differences that are starting to emerge. Those that are most connected to the core faction seem to be more likely to engage in such behaviors while others have gone another route. While it is easy to get into tit for tat behaviors that escalate that isn't really the point of what is going on here. I want people to truly choose who they are and what they believe without prompt so that these behaviors are truly theirs. Thus, my goal is to continue to be polite and continue to engage and integrate into the community to see what the actions and reactions are (Patience really is a virtue here!). It takes skill and practice to stay patient and be aware of what behaviors belong to you and what belongs to them.

Wong, G., Derthick, A. O., David, E. J., Saw, A., & Okazaki, S. (2014). The What, the Why, and the How: A Review of Racial Microaggressions Research in Psychology. Race and social problems, 6(2), 181–200.


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