Sunday, November 1, 2020

Should the U.S. Be Concerned About China's Technology and Manufacturing Push?

China and the U.S. are engaged in a locked wrestling match for global influence. I read the article "China wants to be less reliant on the United States That's a tall order" by Laura He that discusses the 5-Year plan by the Chinese Communist Party that there will be a focus on technology independence and advanced technologies. This opens a problem for the U.S. as we must determine what our approach to the market will be?

There is something called the Made in China 2025 that seeks to massively build their data infrastructure and encourage manufacturing. The low cost strategy that is dependent on American technology is ending. China want's the technology and the manufacturing. 

We do have to concern ourselves because based on a previous analysis "I did China Comes Close to Passing the U.S. in Doctors, Patents and Scientific Discoveries where we are getting close to being matched in scientific discoveries. That means we are not leading in the essential market that influences all the other markets.

That creates a problem because they are serious competitors in science, manufacturing, and if their strategy is successful in technology, we lost dominance in our long term competitive advantages. We must have a strategy to master the market in a way that drags up our GDP (i.e. Digital GDP) through innovation and manufacturing. 

As a nation we can sort of just hope it all goes away but that doesn't seem to be the solution. I have been working on a theoretical strategy developed off the need to rejuvenate entrepreneurial innovation and manufacturing in a way that provides the jobs, green environments, and capitalization on existing strengths of our infrastructure and labor capital. 

In essence, we are discussing at a micro level of information and resources travel among different related businesses to create innovation (It goes a little deeper than that) in a way that builds entire industries that lead to competitive advantages that can influence the U.S. course of direction. It seeks to build the networks of resources, infrastructure, investment, entrepreneurship, finances, etc... into a place where it catalyzes growth. Its a work in progress and not finished. If you want to read more its HERE

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