Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Interfering in Elections

 One of the fundamental aspects of our society is the ability to engage in democracy. That democracy is what makes us different than others. The problem is that when countries involve themselves in our election process they create risks. Countries have always been interested and tried to influence national elections but in the world of big technology its much easier to do this hundreds/thousands of miles away. 

The election interference brings up questions of where our sovereignty begins and ends. Certainly we should thwart such efforts and social media companies must be diligent in removing outside interference. We want American opinions to be American.

The problem of holding people accountability is difficult at best. Without international agreement that solidifies that such behaviors are illegal and worth international sanction then we are one nation opposed to another nation. 

Sure we can engage in similar types behavior that would make us part of the problem. It appears that detection and removal are the main strategy. One should wonder if there are actual financial consequences when such behavior happens? How far can the envelope be pushed?

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