Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Article "Senate hopeful John James slams Dem leadership in major cities: 'Hold politicians accountable, not statues'

The article "Senate hopeful John James slams Dem leadership in major cities: 'Hold politicians accountable, not statues' came out yesterday. While the article is written with political campaigns in mind I would like to make a single point about this article that makes sense. I'm not blaming Democrats or Republicans but the general foot dragging on justice in general.

Most of my life I believed in the old concepts of Justice, the shield, and the idealism that people are willing to do whats right each and every time. Over the years as I grew up I quickly learned that these are just ideas left to cartoons and little kids but when it comes to true life situations Justice is way more contingent..

The money you make, your political connections, your title, your education, your race, your religion, your value systems and more non-essential factors make their way into the decision of justice.

We have become an uglier society in some ways. At the root of all societies are a people who collectively work together to create governance and protect themselves. They invent/vote on laws and rules to help govern their daily activities and ensure that bad people don't take advantages of good people so that everyone can survive.

Over the decades we start to forget that we are the same society. We start to view others as worth of less justice and some worthy of more. We are teaching our kids value systems in the school books and cartoons that have not thing to do with the multiple societies brewing in our midst. This is our politicians fault and I'm not seeing it falling squarely on any political party or individual.

If we want this Republic to survive we will need to start thinking of all of society as part of the same family with the same rules and same opportunities. People who commit crimes don't get a free pass because they know the judge, have friends in the police department, or because the victims are seen as the "other". While justice doesn't always mean criminal prosecution, it does mean that people are held accountable and in turn they are saves from themselves, protect society, and encourage the Republic to be strong with the same shared sense of values.

At least that encouraging a stronger society is the American thing to do. We should not accept a lie to our children and we should not accept a less than we could be to our futures. At what point can we say the Justice system no longer serves the function of Justice? We should start making changes way before that point.

Nelson, J. (July 14th, 2020). Senate hopeful John James slams Dem leadership in major cities: 'Hold politicians accountable, not statues. Fox News.

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