Friday, April 24, 2020

President Trump Discusses COVID, Research, and Solutions!

The COVID-19 Situation for the nation is improving. The amount of deaths expected and experienced are two different things. Sure....there could be some projection issues but it isn't hard to look at and graph the death rates in other countries to see where we fit. While I haven't looked it appears to be that we have a much lower rate and managed the situation well.

The large research database is hugely important. They are using AI (which is super cool) to evaluate and assess all of the studies for connections, associations, and variables that can often lead to new studies. Once these connections and associations are created one can then move on to design better more accurate studies that are most likely to succeed.

Furthermore, the plan put together by the Federal government with flexibility for the states is important. Some of the best systems that survive have this sort of stronger central aspect but softer specific applications that allow for catered responses. One size doesn't always fit all in all circumstances but without a central guide some local leaders may be short sighted.

Good news came out about the benefits of summer, UV rays, bleach and alcohol, warm whether, etc....and its potential impact on the virus. This means we have found ways to limit its effects, spread, etc... so it is possible to use UV light to shine on certain aspects of our supply chain (i.e. Amazon, UPS) to ensure packages are clean. The same concepts may be able to be adapted in other places.

Congress (and Senate) also passed the PPP money that is needed for many small businesses. We are at a point where things are going to start opening so it may have been enough to keep these businesses alive. I suspect that our system will reboot fairly quickly and rebound once we are fully open. With luck we will be able to surpass the economic platforms we had before.

-PPP is expected to pass $320 billion in relief.
-30 Billion to help distressed communities like African American and other minorities.
-The virus does better in colder and dryer versus warmer and more humid.
-46 states showed drops in new cases.
-39 million N95Masks
-52K studies and technology firms are now in a database. There is constant searches for new solutions using AI.
-4.9 million tests across America.
-Discuss and learn from methods Governors are using to test.
-Elective surveys to start back up.
-16 States released formal opening plans.
-Homeland security is studying countermeasures for COVID-19.
-Sunlight kills the virus. Can reduce half life in humid and warm whether. Both bleach and alcohol works well.

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