Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 15th, 2020 President Trump "News Brief" COVID Update

President Trump discusses re-opening sections of the economy as well as working with industry sectors to determine how exactly to do this. This is one of those paramount spots in U.S. history that will define us for a long time. Covid was destructive but also gave us as a people an opportunity to come together as a nation and master a universal challenge. We also know that people are concerned about the future. The shut-down and restart affords new opportunities to give Millenials a gift from older generations so they have the best shot at renewed, re-polished, and powerful nation. (If were not doing it for them then who we doing it for?) Their youthful spirit will be needed to improve standards of living, education and opportunities within the country so they may pay forward to the next generation. This is just one of those defining moments in history that will be written as a country that masters its fate or trips on it.

Highlight Notes:

-New cases are declining.
-Other areas are flat or declining.
-Past the peak.
-Guidelines for state reopening announced tomorrow.
-Best testing systems in the world.
-Antibody tests coming out.
-Air-bridge for flights moving equipment and supplies.
-39.4 million n-95 masks, 432 gloves, 57 surgical masks 10.2 million gowns, and 500 million masks coming, distributed 100 million masks.
-New ventilators coming out. Help companies with extras.
-New treatments coming out.
-Holding funds for WHO.
-300 billion of loans PPP to a million small businesses. Will need to replenish.
-Meeting with elected officials to restart the economy in a way that improves upon what we had before.
-States will be opening up. Governors are "chomping at the bit". 🐴
-Many leaders consulted on a full re-emergence of the American economy. Every sector with some of the smartest people on the planet. Super IQ's on the phone.
-Talking about the Internet and broadband with lots of infrastructure changes.
-When we work together toward a common goal we can overcome any challenge.

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