Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Poway Polo Club-Learning to Follow

One of the biggest tips in learning to play polo on a team is to ensure that you are able to follow the ball in the proper line. This is something I had some difficulty doing because I was not completely familiar with how all the rules worked and operated. However, by playing up at the Poway Polo Club I was able to pick up a few tips and play better as a team member.

There are lines that must be followed and this is generally in the direction of the ball. Most of the polo players team up with someone and work together in these lines. That is one of the reasons why you often see them following each other.

Follow the Line:

It wouldn't make sense if you are behind someone right? You will find when you follow other players that people often miss the ball, walk over it, and keep on going. You need to follow, or lead them, if you want to hit the ball without creating a violation.

Keep Moving:

If you do miss the ball don't bother stopping. Just keep moving and someone will pass it up to you or you can circle around and follow the line again. Stopping movement can cause all types of problems for both your players and theirs.

Pair Up: Pair up with a member of the other team so you can follow each other. This way you are covered in much the same was as you are in soccer. You will ride next to them and ensure they don't get the ball.

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