Sunday, March 4, 2018

Experience and Motivations are Tied in Outdoor Tourism Marketing

Many of us love the outdoors and enjoy engaging with wildlife. Much of my life I have loved the outdoors and tried to live part of my life there. We find that as the outdoor recreational opportunities improve there will also be a need to understand what motivates people to love the outdoors and how to market to them.

According to a study in the Journal of Vacation Marketing people who have positive outdoor experiences also begin to choose outdoor activities as part of their vacation (Ansan & Emeksiz, 2018). They enjoy creating experiences through choosing vacations that have an outdoor component.

We should not forget that experience is partly associated with our sensations and how we feel. Therefore, when marketing to such individuals it is important to create vivid imagery with positive emotions in order to tap those memories in a positive way.

Such emotions create motivation to purchase tickets, make vacation plans and continue to engage in the outdoor world. Marketing to this group can be improved when help people connect to nature through outdoor adventures, positive experiences, and engaging vividry. Showing engaging happy people experiencing something new for the first time helps attract people who have a history of outdoor discovery and enjoyment.

Ansan, K. & Emeksiz, M. (2018). Outdoor recreation participants’ motivations, experiences and vacation activity preferences. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 24 (1).

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