Wednesday, November 8, 2017

La Jolla Community Center Opera

Opera is still alive and kicking among the blue blooded class. It thrives because of donations and contributors. I had the pleasure of going to this Opera a few times in the past year. Trust me when I say I am not of the means that would put me into this class but when it is Free I like to go and enjoy the music. That is right, the La Jolla Community Center Opera is free a certain nights so you may want to check out their website!

You may want to view their Calendar. 

Mostly I like to just listen because the singers are amazing and have practiced their craft for some time. Their voices are loud and boom over the room. As you sit and listen you begin to understand the passion and the stories that are created from such music. This includes love, hate, betrayal, and bliss.

If you let your thoughts wonder you will come to realize the beauty of this music and its powerful message about life. Life and death with everything in between is present. Starting in the 16th century by Florine musicians and intellectuals as a return to simple tragedy so no doubt it is emotional.

In some ways Opera is slowly dying but may experience a renaissance much like polo did after the movie "Pretty Woman". While the general crowd is older there were enough young people around to show that it is not a dead art form and has a new generation following. Amazingly, the middle ages, didn't seem to be present.   As a supporter of the arts I hope such activities become more common in orientation.

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