Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Potential of Mobile Phone Marketing

Mobile marketing is growing as a potential marketing channel to reach increasingly on the go consumers. The cell phone is nearly always carried with consumers in a way that makes them constantly connected to a network that offers new opportunities for product exposure. A literature review in the Journal of Retailing and Consumers Services synthesizes literature on mobile marketing and comes to a few conclusions (Strom, Vendel, Bredican, 2014).

There are many potential use of mobile phones for marketing. Text, web searches, social media, phone calls and much more. In this case, mobile phones are seen as a method used by consumers by searching out products and comes to a conclusion to purchase.

Market Potential:

It is first beneficial to determine potential size of the marketing. An industry study shows us that half of U.S. mobile consumers are mobile device shoppers with 10% being heavy users and 40% light users (Leo Burnett & Arc Worldwide, 2011). As mobile phones continue to develop in technological and functional ability they will also likely increase in shopping and marketing potential.

In-Store Use:

Mobile shoppers sometimes use their phones to compare products right within the store. Once they find a product they like, they may search out alternatives, and if the cost of effort and value appear to be competitive, they will make an in-store purchase. Mobile phones become a method of price comparison.

Mobile Phones and Computer Use go Hand-in-Hand:

People who use mobile devices to shop will often use a computer as well. This makes the cell phone an extension of online search patterns. If an interesting product is found on their phones they may conduct a more extensive search using their computer to obtain more information.

Mobile Phones for Convenience:

Mobile phones will be used for convenience purposes to check prices, share ideas, and determine whether or not they should act. When they are walking into stores, hanging with friends, or doing some other activity, they may use their cell phones to check on items and interest. This makes mobile phone a strong Word-of-Mouth convenience shopping tool.

Leo Burnett & Arc Worldwide (2011): “A mobile shopper research study”. [Online]. Available at>

Strom, R., Vendel, M., Bredican, J. (2014) Mobile marketing: a literature review on its value for consumers and retailers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21 (1001-1012).

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