Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Art of Workplace Story Telling

Boyhood of Raleigh -1870 by Sir John Everett Millais
Workplaces are collectives of people who share similarities in goals, directions and activities. Large group organizations function similar to other social networks but have a more formal structure with official positions and resource distribution. Telling stories creates sense of identity through shared experiences.

Without a good story a sense of community doesn't exist. Its "being" is out of place unless there is a shared sense of existence that creates a community. Organizations eventually develop these stories based on the trials and tribulations the organization has faced.

Over time cultures begin to form as stories become adopted as meaningful. Values, beliefs, and manners of approaching problems becomes deeply embedded.

People can also create stories to help in developing a shared sense of purpose within the department or organization. I have seen those who do well developing and weaving together stories to help people visualize how they are an important part of the organizations success.

Story telling has been part of society since its very beginning. Even in as early as pre-modern times we told stories to rally people to fight for a cause, overcome some challenge, or to solidify an identity. The same process continues on today.

The importance of stories cannot be diminished. The person who has the ability to create solid stories to influence perception and motivation developed a powerful art form. Learning to apply that to the workplace requires creativity, communication skills, and confidence.

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